The pros and cons, the ups and downs, of writing dual dialogue in screenwriting.

So you want to know all about Lily Blaze’s dark writing? You landed on the right page.
Let me tell you a story that begins in 2002. Lily Blaze was struggling with many mysterious medial problems. She struggled to keep working despite extreme fatigue. In 2004, after a severe medical attack, she ended up in the hospital for three months. She was diagnosed with MS.
After two years, she relearned how to walk. How to live again. How to exist.
Enter writing, the most creative free expression. She sat down and studied everything she could get her hands on about creative writing, fiction, and screenwriting. She’s not finished yet. There’s always more to discover on the dark horizon of her imagination.
Lily Blaze’s dark fiction many different characters who struggle to survive in a dark world. Fractured fairy. True crime teenager. A diseased mermaid. And much more.
On her Neon Vagabond Blog, she writes about personal achievements. Successes. The highs and lows of an independent writer. Announcements and updates. Failures and the most amazing accomplishments.
Read about her all her dark fiction. Short stories. Poetry. Novel and novella. Screenwriting. Cross-genres. Dark fantasy, horror, true crime, and dark humour.
Lily is always striving to discover new ways to express her creativity. Writing gives her the ultimate freedom to share all of her creative ideas. It’s not easy being being disabled. But Lily’s writing allows her to move freely.
How? The same way as anything else. One step at a time.
Welcome to the journey.
The pros and cons, the ups and downs, of writing dual dialogue in screenwriting.
You’ve read the books. The articles. You’ve had all the art debates online. But do you know how to play poker?
A guide to better understand the difference between tropes and stereotypes in screenwriting, with practical examples. Bonus, good examples as well.
An easy to follow legal guide about AI-generated content from a visual artist and writer for people who still worry about what AI means for creative jobs.
Is copyright getting you down? Here’s a fun guide to understanding your copyright that will clear up any confusion. How to handle copyright and what not to do.
Join the fun as I discover how to use two decades of poetry writing as screenwriting.
Adventures in Screenwriting | Lily Blaze
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Experimental Writer. say that ten times in a row. Does it make any sense? I’m not convinced. Publisher’s definitions vs readers needs.
How many projects can Lily work on in 2019? New novel WIP, the wild world of screenwriting, and getting paid for art.
What kind of a writer are you? Slow or fast. Are you a crawling turtle or a speedy rabbit? What’s your process for writing speed?
Paying market and other dark fiction news from Lily Blaze including an updated info. First horror short story sold in Polar Borealis!
Writing and finding a serial killer. The Lonely Mr. Fish, an exclusive horror short story by Lily Blaze, only found in Polar Borealis.
All the reasons why I’d rather write than create art full-time. The pros and cons of trying to be both a writer and an artist.
I started getting writing fuel when a bad week. No, wait, let me start at the beginning. A very dark beginning. It was 2002. I was working two jobs…
Ever since I read Stephen King’s On Writing: Memoir of a craft, I’ve been trying to figure out how to describe my muse.