Art and Writing Updates | Spring Cleaning My Way

Cell Lily Blaze 2020 Featured Image

A lot of work finished. Here’s where I’m at with my art and writing


Pleased that one of my art pieces, Cell, was selected for the Polar Borealis cover, issue 13.

Cell is from a series of prisma art that focuses on monochrome colors. Mostly black and white with a one other color here and there. I’m very pleased that Cell looks even better as a magazine cover.

View the issue here.

View the original on my art page here.


In Polar Borealis issue 14, coming in April (ish), there will be one of my short stories, Bethell’s Angel, a dark Victorian supernatural spooky tale.


I finished my first feature length script a couple of moths ago. I’ve been proofing and editing and getting second opinions ever since. I’m about to launch into the terrifying murky waters of feature length submissions. Wish my luck!

Wait, what? I hear everyone scream. What’s it about? A dark psychedelic drama, experimental, and a wild yet fun ride into madness. I hope everyone loves it as much as I do.

I’ve decided to not upload the script online for now, pending other news as it happens. But you can view the details about he story here.

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