The website woes of maintaining a WordPress site and updating to Gutenberg. Read all the lessons learned. And Jetpack didn’t help.

The website woes of maintaining a WordPress site and updating to Gutenberg. Read all the lessons learned. And Jetpack didn’t help.
Discrimination and Disabled Writers, Are you also struggling with the morality of a disabled character? You’re not alone.
Making connections with art and wiriting, my way. All under the pen name Lily Blaze. Art > Fiction > Screenwriting. Updates and excitement.
You want dark, extreme, smart, and funny fiction? I got a story for you. America by Will Bernardara Jr. Read the review. Have your mind blown.
Rewards and updates for Lily art and writing. Includes updates about screenwriting, the Aurora Award nomination, and new current photos.
NYV: Punk | Novel Review. Read the review of the first book in a vampire series. Why? Because we like our vampires dark. And violent.
On This Day (Homeland Brant Discher Series 1 > New thriller by Oak Anderson > Read the full review for an epic mrder mystery.
Experimental Writer. say that ten times in a row. Does it make any sense? I’m not convinced. Publisher’s definitions vs readers needs.
My Sister And I by SeanPaul Thomas, review of a psychological thriller with extreme horror and SplatterPunk. Read more…