How to Start a New Blog

Atomic Explosion blog
You Enter a Brain Video

In 2005, I started a Google blogger account to post articles because a friend told me that’s how you get started as a new author. Fast-forward many years, and I’m right back to where I started. My old blog is still out there, floating around cyberspace.

blog post American Beauty plastic bag

Blog of the Past

I used my blog for a lot of randomness. My posts alternated between promotions, writing lessons, and rants. It became a chore. After a while, I stopped linking the blog to my website. I gave up on it.

I’m going to be brutally honest. I can’t stand blogs. Or rather, what blogs have become. Back when, it was simple. You have something to say, you wrote about it. Believe it or not, years ago blogs were 100% about content. Book reviews, movie reviews, useful articles. Now it seems blogs have become a platform to launch egos. Some are insecure egos, some… aren’t.

I know, I know. It’s not everyone. It’s just a large majority giving the rest of us a bad name. And it sucks.

But you know what? I don’t care. I love writing as much as I love art. Writing on a regular basis helps to keep my brain muscles in shape. I love connecting with like-minded people who also love writing and art, whether they’re a reader, writer, or an artist. I care about my friends.

The Future

If you’re reading in hopes of discovering ZE SECRET, you’re going to be disappointed. I won’t be posting any lessons or how-to manuals. If you’re reading to enjoy my funny/rambling/sarcastic/ranting/commentaries posts as I hammer out stories and art, then I welcome you. If, by chance, what I do inspires you to do your own thing, whatever it happens to be, then I will be flattered and honoured to call you a friend.

So, long story, er, longer, this is me and this is my (non) blog. Comments welcomed, rants appreciated, and respect rules.

Oh, and by the way, I’m Lily.

Lily Blaze Horror Fantasy Writer and Artist 2019 Monogram Logo Red Background | Starting a New Blog

Nice to meet you.

P.S. Like, comment, share, thanks.

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